This site started life as the final part of a diploma in Web Design in 2002 and, because time was short, I included material from another small website I had already created.
Some of my experiences as a woman growing up and being a full-time wheelchair user are included here. I also examine how I feel (in retrospect) that society saw me at certain times in my life, as well as how I perceived myself and my surroundings at that point in my life. I make no claims of being any kind of expert - save of my own life - so this will be a "personal examination" in the truest meaning of that phrase. 
I bought my iPad mini in mid-July 2014 and quickly downloaded many apps that are Free or Free with In-App purchases. Amongst the first twenty or so were Kaleidoscope Doodle Pad and Fingerpaint Magic. I began making patterns and discovered along the way that I am quite capable of creating some quite distinctive artwork.
I've been mainly using Bejoy Mobile's Kaleidoscope Doodle Pad,
Meritum Soft's Fingerpaint Magic and
Meritum Paint Pro and from Oct onwards, Ambient Design Ltd's Artrage for iPad. I would love to hear from you so leave your comments on my site using
the Guestbook link.
There is a little tongue-in-cheek symbolism in the wheels logo - the black wheel represents society at large (and its attitudes, opinions of me as a disabled person) with the smaller white wheel representing me and my perceptions.
The section headed "Thoughts On ..." is the renamed "Opinions Corner" which was added after the course. I have put a different style of animated text on this page and the site has undergone a substantial change in the way in which it has been coded.
For anyone interested to see the original
layout I have got a screen
shot of the old site, opening in a new window. All external links have the
following graphic
as the last part of the link and the links open in their own new window.
Want to keep up with me on Twitter? Then click on the Twitter icon . I have to warn you though that I've not been very active on Twitter lately.
I am a little bit more active, however, on my writer's page on facebook at writerlywheels
© Living With Wheels, 2002 - date